Selasa, 26 April 2016

Mobile Prank Hacktool 4.0 - The mobile Prank tool

As you may already know Mobile Prank Hacktool is a tool for mobiles. It gives the power to send sms and calls from diferent web services. The Mobile Prank Hacktool was created as a necessity to send sms & call pranks from a computer and play with anyones phone as long as you know the number.

What started as a joke tool has become a comercial tool which it wasn't intend to, so this will be the last release.
I have added a cool layout and Mobile Prank Hacktool is now a full SPA (Single Page Application) tool.

If you enjoy playing around with Mobile Prank Hacktool consider making a small donation by hitting the button Donate. This keeps me developing tools that are release for free to anyone.


This is a html file so no harm will do to your device and works in all platforms.

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