Slowly But Surely: Become a Professional Blogger - Some time ago there are some college friends who ask, "what is the profit made by bloggers time ng Mba gain his blog?" My friend, this might be regarded as a layman when dealing with blogs and bloggers, although it will face daily blogs that exist in cyberspace.Advantage blog that is too much, with other possibilities that we have not even thought of before.
The blog is free to write whatever we like, as long as do not exceed the legal limit.Seeing the reality of today, blogs increasingly transitioning into a place where people hang their activities in order to gain possible. In other words, blogs can di sera-use to achieve the interests of each of us, with a lot of possibilities in it.
Today blogs are becoming very popular for all people. Blogs are also used for various activities include hobby, business, and so forth. From the blog, of course, we can benefit commercially. But the professional bloggers blog not only for commercial purposes. Bloggers create a blog is basically to share information, whatever it is.
Well, the blog is a container / third party providing a link between information providers and information seekers. Basically, the blog is made in such a way to share information. Now because of the many possible benefits that we can get from the blog, now used as a business tool, of course with a variety of creative ways.
For those of you who are developing a blog, or just starting out, or even have the plan to start, it would not hurt us to discuss how to become a professional blogger who truly professional. There are 4 steps that I have outlined below:
Become a Professional Blogger
1. What Reasons We To Blog?
The first phase of this first identifies what reason do we when we want to build and develop a blog. Is just a hobby? Or business? Distribute important information / unique / personal pleasure? Or even just for commercial purposes? One thing you should know is, bloggers whose sole purpose is only for commercial purposes will never be a professional blogger.
Blogger prioritizing commercial interests mean like this. The blog she woke up very little content, is also far from quality. He just copy-and-paste other people's writing. Does not have any other ideas to put on his blog. He also does not care about SEO, Alexa, Pagerank, and so forth. All he could think about was how to keep himself soon benefit from these blogs. Bloggers like this will certainly fail.The reason?
If he did not benefit as well from his blog, surely he will find another way and leave the blogging activity. Second, he thinks just fills his blog content so that numerous articles in it, do not think about whether or not the writing quality.Third, he just perseveres if advantageous matter alone, so he did not actually build and maintain his blog, too lazy to tidy design, SEO, and so forth. Blogs such as this would not be a lot of visitors.
So, know in advance what is the reason for us when blogging. Sometimes indeed we intend to gain commercial advantage, but blogging is not just about profit materially. What people need is what you give. What is unique that is present.Also, what is your pleasure and you are ready to serve it well and distinctively, then sooner or later you'll find your own way how to profit from your blog.
Essentially it was just bonus material gains. There are many possibilities that you can get from blogging relating to matters berk omers oil, but without becoming a professional blogger it will never be reached. Rest assured.
2. What Our Struggle When Building a Blog?
Indeed, technical matters such as the quality of writing, design, SEO, keywords, and so forth are things that are complicated and it takes a relatively long time to learn. But that's part of the struggle when building a blog. Progress blog, success or failure of a blog is viewed from the struggle / our efforts in the development process. Therein lies your professionalism as a blogger.
Think of your blog as a child. What should parents do to their children? Do things like that to your blog, or at least to him. Being a professional blogger views of our efforts in the development process of our blog. Readers will believe the content of the information that we provide because we present it professionally, and would appreciate us as a conduit of information.
3. What Should Your Blog Content?
It is not required, but it is better to fill your blog with a variety of things you are good at / enjoy. This helps you to stay consistent in writing articles, so not out of line and do not get out of the facts. What people are looking for is information that is valid, although bloggers have a weakness base to verify the validity of the information given.
However, the topics you love or mastered it is generally easier to write. The topic will also be easier for you to develop more attractive again. Also, discuss topics about which you prefer / mastered it will make you consistent as a blogger. Being a professional blogger not only the origin of the content to fill the blog with articles,you know . Pay attention to your article, and what are the benefits for the readers?
4. The extent to which you can persevere?
Hobby is the most easily occupied by any person. So, if blogging is your hobby? If not, it would not hurt to feel pleasure when blogging, right? But if you still do not feel enjoyment, in other words, that blogging is not your hobby, then it's time to find another hobby. Because if you do not like blogging, then blogging for you are just going to waste time. Like this will never be a professional blogger.
[Quote] Being a professional blogger is keeping remains a hallmark for yourself when sharing information. Besides consistency is another significant factor.Depend on the typical non-commercial purposes [/ quote]Those are some things we can do is slowly but surely to become a professional blogger. As well as answering questions my friend, blogger advantage it is to be a professional blogger itself. Being a professional blogger not only will shape the personal work as a blogger to become a person who professionally through his blog but will also get another benefit of professionalism itself. May be useful.
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